Pico Ski Education Foundation (PSEF) is a (501)(c)(3) Non-profit Organization with a stated goal to help maintain an affordable organized ski racing program for our community families and athletes.
Through rigorous fundraising efforts, PSEF contributes hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct purchases and other support of the Pico Ski Club Alpine Racing Program and its athletes, ensuring that participants have a top-notch racing experience at a remarkably reasonable cost.
The families and friends of Pico racers are what keep the program alive and flourishing. It is because of the generosity of others that our program is able to continue to develop highly skilled, competitive ski racers.
Anne & Joe Jones A-Slope Snowmaking Campaign (Feb. 2023)
PSEF & the Pico Ski Racing Program (Feb. 2020)
All About PSEF (Feb 2017)
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